" The key role of a creative leader is not having all the ideas; it is to create a culture where all can have ideas and feel that they are valued" -Sir Kenneth Robinson, British Author

Being a leader is such a challenging task that those cognitive skills you learned in school might not help if you are to be outstanding. In the creative field, many of us are very focused on producing our creativity into artworks and design products. It is ver interesting that how similar the skills are between utilizing our creative mindset to produce artworks and managing a team as a leader. These two tasks both require think-outside of box and consistent communication. No one is born with the traits of a leader, but one decides to be the kind that they want. Leadership can be termed as an art that requires a lot of creativity. A creative leader creates and nurtures those that he leads to not only take assignments but generate ideas that will lead to maximum productivity. This role is not only managing but also encouraging and inspiring.
That is the kind of a leader who taps into their intelligence, and this makes them stand above the crowd and inspire others around them.Here are some of the qualities that creative leaders possess:
1. A creative leader is out for Greatness.
These are people who do not just want to work hard and deliver the numbers, but they would like to impact lives in the process of achieving their goals/those of the organization. They want to inspire lives and therefore leave a legacy.

2. Creative leaders are out to get the Best out of those they lead.
Their concern is what everyone in the organization can do best. They are keen to discover the talents of the individual team members; then nurture them by giving assignments/roles that each is best suited. That ensures that each works optimally and is highly motivated to do what they do. In this case, productivity comes not out of coercion/pressure but through inspiration.

3. They are profoundly convicted in what they do.
Conviction is a rare trait among the ordinary leader. It is the ability to believe in something and stick to it, no matter the influences. They have in them something that compels others into action. They don't fear the results but get into doing it, and when others see, they want to emulate. They are not careful o making mistakes, but their primary concern is to achieve and move everyone else in that direction.

4. They break the mediocre cocoons.
Creative leaders believe that what does not change I this world is Change itself. They are always envisioning new possibilities and opportunities. They get into action to ensure that they achieve it. They don't wait for circumstances dictate them, but they do something to realize the intended result.

5. Creative leaders are highly intuitive.
They are sensitive to the "inner voice" which is not very loud. An ordinary leader delves more on logic, and thus it is difficult to find a place for intuition. Both faculties play an essential role in one's life and therefore balancing them requires a creative leader. Intellect rightly merged with intuition will give direction and cause an impact. In summary, creative leaders realize that perfectionism is not possible, but leadership is about taking consistent strides toward the direction they have chosen. Often, they grow many leaders within their team, and therefore there is never a leadership gap even in their absence.